Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You are a book with no words

As my trembling fingers trace the pages

Searching for answers that you may never reveal

A song with no rhythm

That I can't seem to stop singing

The lyrics seem to change with every new day

Never have I felt so secure, but yet so powerless

But when I find myself in your arms, I escape

You move like water, filling every thought in my mind

Flowing throughout my body

Oh the music our bodies make

As our souls collide into each other

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pretty woman was one of the most romantically disturbing movies of all time; a man falls in love with a prostitute. Cute? Yes. Realistic? No. Despite what most people think, in America the prostitution rate is growing, especially male prostitution. Our generation is a very eye-opening, changing, generation. We have to go against the norm, sort of like industrialized hippies. Instead of peace and love, we are searching for change and money. Due to desperate times, some of our society has had to rely on their bodies for keeping up with the era, which has led to illegal prostitution. Most of these people die from disease, or in a dispute with a customer, or ‘pimp’. But I propose to you, what if we legalized prostitution?
Now, of course, we would have to haves strict regulations enforced, but with these regulations we would protect both the customer and the prostitute. First off, there would be numerous sexually transmitted diseases tests conducted each month and also random drug tests. This would be able to discredit the argument of having sex for drugs; instead it would be a business. I know what you are thinking, how cold and inhumane is it to turn such a beautiful natural thing into a business? I reply with this, what isn’t a business anymore? This is no worse than the church requiring tithing, membership fees, and a member log. Everything these days a business, I’m just proposing that the country benefits off of something that will go on no matter what.
IF prostitution was legalized, then this would reduce the murder, battery, assault rates. While also reducing the numbers in our prisons and jails. 78% of prostitutes have been threatened with a weapon, and 82% have been physically assaulted. By having an enforcement their t o protect the women or men, then their would be a great decrease in crime throughout the states.
Prostitution can be traced back to Roman, Greek, and even Egyptian empires, if it has survived this long, their is no way it is going away in the near future just because of the recent laws put in place, illegalizing it. People are driven by sex, it is human to want physical contact, why ban something that will happen anyway? If you ban this, why not ban abortion? Is it not the womans choice in this situation also? We are faced with the issues we had with abortion being illegal, unsafe practices are occuring. The reasoning behind legalizing abortion was because of the following: it prevented unsafe practice, it is the womans choice, and this ended up protecting mother and child. If prostitution was legalized then their wouProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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be a downfall of drug use, and physical abuse.
Morality is no longer something to hold us back in this society. We allow others to kill us, selling us tobacco products, alcohol consumption, and even worse junk food. Basically, homocide is legal in America, but paying for sex is not? It's ridiculous we are basing our moral values off of religion, if you think about it thats what it all boils down to. The defense used is 'God is the founder of America', well no actually he isn't, but still we are focused on what the bible says. So much for seperation between church and state, it is unfair to base the whole countries values off of something that could be entirely untrue. This is sad, but we should believe in money, money is something tangible, something we all benefit from. Whether we admit it or not, its always in the back of our minds. So prostitution shouldnt be challenged morally at all, seeing as how immoral this worlds become, this would just fit right in. Mark Liberator says the following «If critics of prostitution wanted to truly help prostitutes and the neighborhoods where prostitution occurs, they would reconsider their position. Prohibitionists retain their view as a result of moral codes, not because of unbiased scientific study. Research shows the many benefits of legalization. Allowing prohibitionist propaganda to drive laws and the way civil liberties are viewed will guarantee: drug dependency will not be abated, physical abuse will continue, and STDs will spread. Most important, the women who need help will continue their lives on the same harmful paths.»
Another debate amongst the masses is how would we regulate such a business, well, how do you regulate anything? You hire people, which would bring the employment rate up in the long run, more job openings would come into play. Such as we would need a sort of police force, to protect the clients and the prostitute. Furthermore, we would need special clinics set up, where we could train and hire nurses, offer internships, for testing the prostitutes. If legalized, prostitution would be ran just like any other business, view it as a taxi service. You need the drivers, the prostitutes, and then you need a repair shop, the clinics, and finally you need a head behind it all, which instead of a pimp would be a form of police force.
I leave you with this, imagine waking up tomorrow when abortion, ciggarettes, junkfood were illegal, these changes have affected every generation. Its now time to turn an underground business, into a profit for this country.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


If I die, do not fear your hands are clean. I, myself, chose this route I have lost sight of. And I plan to stick to being helpless. You can try your charm, spells, those looks on me. But in all honesty, memories of you and I have started to fade away into dust.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


This city is in ruins, not a soul in sight
All thats left is your wasted faith
As yhou stand atop the few remains
Do you hear that?
The swcreaming wind
Now that revolver in you hand
Seems to be your only friend
Your supposed heroes capes have fallen
Leaving you alone with reality
So roll the dice kid
Are you all in?
Lets retrace you steps
Back to that fucked up thing you called a childhood
Thats where this all began
Your dependence on others
Has now led to your own demise
So now its your choice
You decide...
Pull the trigger and take a step forward
Or lay in your own mess that you call a life

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Maybe we can be more than the poster children. Get out of this narrow-minded town,
Break away
from our conformity of noncomforming
Maybe life will turn around for us, maybe we can be on top
Its time to pack your bags, but leave them empty
Lets light up the world with passion
Lets let our hearts flow and our minds speak out
We have no need for these paper cliche masks
We just need a chance
This isnt just a spur of the moment life
We were meant for something more
We were meant for something greather than this
Life itself is too predictable
You live, and then die
Lets screw up the chain
Step out of line
And not only break the mold, but create a new one
Beauty has only gotten us this far
Or should I say near?
The future will become the past
And we will grow beyond these savage human instincts
Fear would no longer hold us back
But instead lift us up to be more than can be aspired
So take off your blinders
That shelter you from the immense possibilities and run
Run hard
And most importantly run with me.


I see those second glances
Those awkward goodbyes
And the repeated second chances
There is no doubt in my mind
That the thing you call a heart has fed me only lies
But my eyes are not blinded by your mediocrity
Those lips of yours I know are shared
You think I will be with you so faithfully
Truth is I'm better off dead
But I ask what would happen if I declared
My love for you so damn fake
Would your cliche mask fall away
Or would losing me be a risk your'e willing to take?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

i have to let go of the few little binds that we had.

you spit that four lettered lie at me out of your crooked lips
but i take it as a grain of salt
and while i mutter the word back
my heart screams no
look where this has gotten us

abiding by our strict morals of immorality
we will forever be held down
by these chains we created
standing together is a cliche now
because that would only make us weaker

so back to us
and this dark, lustfilled room
we both are avoiding the question
where do we draw the line
this feeling is to old

you say you want to feel at home
well home is where your fucking heart is
and transplants have been put on hold
time to start digging deeper
and let go of my hand

i can only stand with you for so long
we are only supported by this trash beneath us
times running out before the bottom falls out
and we are sent to our long waited deaths
i cant say im sad

so choose dear lover
will your lies still churn in your eyes
or will you stop evading the truth
and finally take the grip off of my wrist
and let my weary soul free